Meet Mandy, Supported Living Registered Manager
Find out more about Mandy’s role at Diverse Abilities:
I would describe myself as kind, considerate and caring.
I work alongside Abi to oversee the Supported Living services to ensure that people are receiving good, quality care and support.
The biggest challenge was Covid and how we had to adjust our ways of working and not being able to see people as we normally would. We overcame this by introducing various ways of keeping in contact with people.
The future for me is to continue to improve the supported living service we provide and to get people out there doing the things they want to do in their lives and living life to the full and trying new things.
My advice to any new starters would be to go into this job with an open mind and to listen to the people you are supporting. They have so much to give and working with people each day is an amazing job, and no two days are the same.