Donate today
and make a difference
Donate £5
£5 can pay for a family to attend one of our ‘open house’ sessions where they can meet others in similar situations and where everyone can play and have fun in a safe environment.
Donate £15
£15 could fund a day out for the adults we support in our Supported Living service. This could be anything from bowling, trips to the zoo, meals out or anything that promotes independence and enhances wellbeing.
Donate £30
£30 can provide a range of sensory toys for everyone to enjoy across our services. Sensory toys help everyone to relax, to focus, have greater awareness of themselves, or interact with others.
Donate another amount
Anything you can give will make a big difference to children and adults across Dorset. Your money could fund…
£75 can fund an afternoon of respite care at Lily’s Place for one child,
£170 is enough to pay for a fun activity session in the school holidays for a child or teenager with profound disabilities
£270 would fund overnight 1:1 support for a young adult at Lawford Lodge.
£1,000 can pay to host all Project My Time sessions over 10 sessions with different activities including movie time, a party, yoga session, den building and more, with eight children in attendance at each session.