Where your money goes
Last year our services helped more than 1,600 children, adults, and families with profound physical and learning disabilities across Dorset.
For every £1 donated, 84p goes directly to the people we support. The remaining 16p we spent on administering the charity and raising funds.
Your donation helps people like Graeme
Graeme is looked after by our Supported Living team, and has been cared for by Diverse Abilities for more than 20 years.
Initially he attended Langside School from the age of 12 and “his life changed completely” according to his mum, Pam. He was included in everything, won prizes for progress, and when on his first ever holiday. He also used our children’s respite services.
As an adult, Graeme was a resident at Edwards House before moving into one of the Supported Living bungalows, with his friend, Simon, and his dog, Amber.
Pam added, “He’s got a better social life than me! He’s off to festivals, it’s hard to tie him down as he’s always out and about. A real credit to Emma and the staff for all the support they’ve given him. Emma is an angel sent to look after him, she is our ray of sunshine!”

Frequently Asked Questions
How does my money help?
By donating to Diverse Abilities, you are helping to fund vital care for people with profound physical and learning disabilities across Dorset. We provide three core services; Adults, Children, and Advice.
Our Adults Team operates The Beehive Centre, a day centre for adults, and a Supported Living Service, providing more than 20 bungalows with 24/7 care that allow adults to live life as independently as possible.
The Childrens Team run a number of services, including Langside – a specialist school for children aged two to 19. We offer respite stays at Lily’s Place, provide play sessions for high functioning children and their siblings at Coping with CHAOS and Project, and have created a transition service to adjust to the adult care system with Shapes and Lawford Lodge.
Diverse Abilities Advice Team provides assistance with benefit applications and appeals, and legal documentation such as Lasting Powers of Attorney, wills, and advance decisions.
Can I make sure my money is spent on a particular area or on a particular service?
We aim to collect our donations to be spent wherever the need is greatest. However, if you would like to restrict your funds then please provide clear written instructions with your donation so we can allocate it accordingly.
How do I know my money will be spent effectively?
As a member of the Fundraising Regulator (FR), Diverse Abilities has made a public promise to adhere to best practice, honesty and transparency in all its fundraising activity.
We (the charity) recognise this promise and our membership with the Fundraising Regulator will enable you to give to us with increased confidence.
We’ve been providing extraordinary lives for extraordinary people since we were founded in 1955 and pride ourselves on delivering the highest standards of care to everyone that requires our services.
Each year we produce an annual review document, and this explains exactly how we spend our money, how our services have grown or adapted, and how our fundraising team has performed. Click here to read our latest report.
Why do you spend money to generate more income and marketing?
Without investing in fundraising, and having a dedicated team to provide this, we would receive less donations overall, meaning we would not be able to provide the same level of care.
Publicising the charity helps to encourage more people to support our work, as well as being able to talk about the great work that we are providing on a day to day basis. It also helps people find our services when they need them.
How can I share my feedback or complaints?
Should you have any concerns about the way we fundraise, we encourage you to get in touch with your feedback. We will respond to any questions you may have and will aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible.
You can find all the information you need to get in touch with us at the bottom of our website. If, however, you are not satisfied with the way we handle your concerns, you can also contact the Fundraising Regulator which has an independent complaints procedure and will work together with you and us (the charity) to reach a solution.
Letters can be addressed to; FAO Fundraising Manager, Diverse Abilities Central Office, Langside School, Langside Avenue, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BN.
Do you receive any government funding?
We are fortunate that we are able to source funding from local authorities and education authorities. This is acknowledgement of the charity’s highly regarded work providing invaluable and vital care.
We fundraise to deliver services over and above that which the local authorities fund; to fund the costs of specialist staff, purchase vital equipment and offer amazing activities for people to enjoy.
Some of our projects are entirely funded by donations and fundraised income, delivering work that we have identified a great need for.
Last year, we spent 84p in every £1 directly supporting children and adults with disabilities. The remaining 16p covered all the costs of running and administering the charity and raising funds.
Our adults services receive funding from our local authorities as the service we provide is a statutory obligation for local authorities to deliver. This only covers the direct care costs. We fundraise for important equipment, improvements and activities.
Across our children’s services income comes from a mixture of sources:
Some areas such as Lily’s Place receive funding via Social Services or CCG (NHS), but we must fundraise for any equipment.
Other areas such as our Play Opportunity sessions are entirely dependent on fundraising to run.
Langside School receives funding for each child towards their education.
Fundraising helps fund therapies and nursing as well as the large volume of specialist equipment and additional activities needed.
Our advice services receives no local authority or NHS funding and relies on the charity generating the funds needed.