Useful links

(Listed alphabetically)

Age UK

Age UK offer national support for older people, their carers, families and friends.

Benefits Calculator

Benefits and tax credits are payments from the government to certain people on low incomes, or to meet specific needs. Find out what you can claim.

Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA)

BCHA is a collection of churches aiming to make a practical contribution to local housing problems. It provides a diverse range of housing, support and learning services for socially excluded people across the South from Plymouth to Reading. Click here to find out more.

British Deaf Association

The British Deaf Association offer support with welfare rights for deaf people.

Carers UK

Carers UK is an information service for carers.

Cinnamon Trust

Cinnamon Trust is the only specialist national charity for people in their last years and their much loved, much needed companion animals.

Citizens Advice

There are several Citizens Advice Offices across Dorset; Bridport, Bournemouth, Christchurch, Dorchester, East Dorset (based in Wimborne), North Dorset (based in Gillingham), Poole, Purbeck (based in Wareham), Sherborne, and Weymouth & Portland.

Cost of living payment from DWP

Click here to find out more about the cost of living payment from DWP

Deputyships for vulnerable persons

Click here to read our guide, prepared by Rutters Solicitors.


RNIB is committed to helping blind and partially sighted people.

Royal Voluntary Service Home Library Service

This service for customers who are housebound and living at home or in sheltered accommodation is delivered by Royal Voluntary Service volunteers who are commissioned by the library service. The RVS volunteers will assess whether the service criteria are met, and the individual reading needs. They will deliver books, fiction and non-fiction, and talking books to you on a regular basis. In addition, the library's wide range of virtual resources are also available the individuals with computers, tablets, or e-readers. These e-resources include magazines, books, and audio books.


Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support, and legal services. Click here to find out more.


Stepchange offer help and support with debt.

Transitions Checklist

Click here to read our guide for the move from Children’s to Adults Services.

Universal Credit - a guide on how to claim from Citizens Advice

This guide from Citizens Advice gives you useful information on how to claim Universal Credit. Find out more.

Wills and trusts for vulnerable persons

Click here to read our guide, prepared by Rutters Solicitors.