Speech & Language Therapy

All therapy and nursing provision is based at school so we can arrange the therapy sessions as a fundamental part of the school day. Each student has an assessment which forms the basis of their individual plans for therapy.

Our SALT team

The Langside Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) team support children in class and individually as required. They are involved in the assessment of a child from the earliest stage of admission to school, so there is no need to make a referral as the team contributes regularly into your child’s individual education plan.


Required equipment

The therapists have access to a range of equipment designed to stimulate the child with physical and profound learning needs and delivers programmes to enable the child to work towards even the smallest level of communicative independence.


Eating and drinking skills

Our team also work to develop feeding wherever appropriate; for children who are unable to progress with oral feeding, the team will assist with desensitisation programmes and oral hygiene programmes. Developing eating and drinking skills and maintaining oral health are seen as integral parts of the school curriculum at Langside.