Diverse Abilities launches emergency appeal

Diverse Abilities, Dorset’s disability charity, has launched an emergency appeal to assist raising funds lost through the COVID-19 global pandemic.

The emergency appeal aims to raise funds that will help to cover running costs, alongside the increased need for personal protection equipment (PPE), and providing higher levels of one to one care in order to minimise the risk to the vulnerable people supported by the charity.

Mark Powell, Diverse Abilities CEO, commented: “The people we support are some of the most vulnerable to the risks of COVID-19 within our communities and these people remain our primary focus, now more than ever.

“This support is necessary and we have adapted how we deliver our services as part of this emergency response, including; utilising staff support in their own homes, creating new staff groups to minimise risk, developing dedicated one to one roles and distancing rules, providing remote sessions for both children and adults so they can still benefit from activities and interactions whilst at home, and massively increasing out procurement of PPE for staff.

“The increased requirement for PPE alone is anticipated to cost us more than £25,000 per month.

“Right now, our amazing team is working tirelessly to continue delivering the highest standards of care. Our nursing and physiotherapy services can continue, meaning that we reduce pressure on the NHS by delivering these safely within homes and our services.

“The next few months will be challenging for all of us, but we can get through it together. Please consider donating to our emergency response, and let local families know they are not alone.”

Visit diverseabilities.org.uk/emergency to donate to the appeal.


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An update, regarding the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic