Supported Living Service

Established in 2003 and enables adults with a physical and/or learning disability to live their lives to the full, with 24/7 care. We provide flexible and individual services, enabling people to live in their own home with as much independence as possible. Each person has a dedicated team who knows them well and are aware of exactly how they wish to live.
“I am happy that I have a house were my friends, family and loved ones can visit anytime and I am supported by the people I like. I like having a garden. All my support team are brilliant.”
— an adult we support
What to expect...
Those we support get out and about in the community; enjoying swimming, walks along the beach, pub visits, going to concerts and even holidays abroad. The team ensure the adults supported do exactly as they wish and have a very enjoyable and fulfilled life.
They also undertake day to day tasks, such as shopping, cleaning and washing, as well as doctors’ visits, dentist trips and family meet ups.
“We have seen a noticeable change in our relative’s health since being supported by Diverse Abilities – they are very happy and more relaxed.”
Supportive staff teams
Our staff are fully trained, and team leaders develop a life plan for each person, which is assessed and updated regularly to meet the individual’s specific needs. Homes have team leaders who oversee the staff teams. These teams continue to support individuals and update essential life plans and other documentation on a regular basis.
Supported Living is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and follows Domiciliary Care Standards.
All staff complete mandatory training, and specific training is given where required for individual’s needs. Examples of this include PEG feeding, diabetes, etc.
How do you refer?
Those supported by Diverse Abilities via the Supported Living Service are usually funded from either the Health Care Commissioners following an assessment. People who are in receipt of Direct Payments may choose to spend their payment buying a service from Diverse Abilities. Please contact your local community learning disability team for an assessment and referral.
Getting in contact
Phone: 01202 718266 option 2
Office: Supported Living Head Office, Discovery Court, Wallisdown Road, BH12 5AG
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm