Occupational Therapy
Highly experienced, qualified occupational therapists and trained therapy assistants work closely to ensure seamless delivery of occupational therapy support.
Recognising difference
Our occupational therapists recognise that physical and sensory difficulties can be barriers to learning and work alongside teachers using the ImPACTS assessments to enable pupils to function to their optimum ability.
Providing expertise
Occupational therapists are involved in:
Postural seating in class, ensuring pupils have seating to meet their postural and functional needs
Ensuring moving and handling of children is risk assessed, safe and appropriate to the child and the activity
Assessing a child’s sensory integration needs and working with class staff to adapt environments and programmes to meet those needs
Assessing and promoting hand function, providing hand programmes to develop skills where appropriate or hand stretches and splints where required
Providing advice and support in daily living activities as appropriate
Liaison with outside agencies, including joint assessments to ensure continuity of care